I believe you were meant to live an extraordinary life.


Meet Meghan

Hi! I’m Meghan O'Brien, founder of The Reconnected Momma. Mom to three loud, crazy, silly, loving little boys and wife to a hard-working, incredibly smart, handsome fella.  I am so happy you’re here! 

After checking all the boxes in life- graduating from college, starting my career, getting married, and welcoming my first son- I thought I was on the path to happiness and fulfillment. However, even though I was crushing my goals, peace and contentment always seemed just out of reach. 

Boy number one was closely followed by another (my oldest two sons were born 17 months apart), and I quickly went from thriving to surviving. I was thrown into the deep-end of motherhood. While trying to navigate my new world of sleepless nights, dirty diapers, pumping in the work bathroom, and endless piles of laundry (as well as working a full-time job and trying to set up date-nights and planning perfect birthdays a la Pinterest), I lost myself. I lost sight of who I was outside of being a wife and a mom. I lost sight of who I was outside of my career. I lost sight of who I was outside of my daily to-do list. I lost sight of Meghan.

Now, I love my boys more than anything in this world, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that being a mom wasn’t the end-all-be-all for me. That’s when I took the first step on the Reconnected journey. After a few years of taking time to focus on who I was and what I wanted, (as well as another boy later, lots of conversations with moms who felt the same loss of connection to themselves, and making tons of mistakes along the way) I KNEW my calling was to help other moms become the BEST versions of themselves without sacrificing who they are or what they want in the process. 


I can help.


Reconnect you to your inner voice

With the busyness of motherhood our inner voice often gets lost in the shuffle. With some intention and mindset shifts you’ll start to hear that voice again.

Build your confidence

It all begins with who you are and what you stand for. It can be intimidating to show up authentically as yourself. I will be your biggest cheerleader.

Expand your potential

Life can be more than just good, it can be great. When you’re a mom it can feel like groundhogs day- repeating the same tasks over and over again but it doesn’t have to be.